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connect congress 1:
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>>  what we want: 

in the past few years several open access initiatives have been called to life in different parts of europe, pushing the idea of non commercial computer use. these projects, allthough each has grown from a different initiative, have a lot in common:
  most use open software (linux) and donated/ trashed computer hardware, pushing open software initiatives and creatively recycling computers
  they offer free internet use to the public, supporting the idea of everyone having access to the internet (access for all)
  the networks installed allow anonymous internet use
  they are a point of access to people who use the internet as a means of communication and political action
  these open public spaces are used as platforms to exchange computer knowhow, to coordinate and organize political action and as meeting points for squaters

the idea of this congress is to get the people involved in these kinds of projects to meet eachother, to discuss the experiences and problems in the different projects, to build a network of open access initiatives and to combine forces and knowledge for joint projects and initiatives. we have tried to summerize the various and nearly countless topics we will be able to discuss during the congress into one starting point:
open access between culture, politics and informationtechnologies, the later three being the corners of a triangle within which all these projects are situated with a focus on one or more of the three corners.

the congress will take place from the 5th until the 7th of october 2001. it will be hosted by the people from the squated internetcafe egocity in zurich, switzerland. we would like to warmly invite all the people involved in open access (or similar) projects to come to zurich and join in the fun! the congress will be in english and costs no entry.
this site should give you an impression of what the congress is all about. join our mailing list for more detailed information on the talks the different projects will give and on details how to get here.


- Congress Plug'n'Politix -
Badenerstrasse 97
CH - 8004 Zurich


But please also subscribe to our mailinglist: